link me (lick me?)

�sleepyzoe 2003-2005
|| Ain't nobody dope as me. ||

9:07 a.m.
The current mood of at

**comments are now located at the end of each entry!**

Holy shit, I think this is the longest I've gone without an entry. I miss d-land, I miss my diaries and my readers and writing and bicthing and complaining and whining.

I don't think that I fully understood the word 'busy' until these past two weeks. "Busy" doesn't even begin to cover it. Thank jeebus I'm an organized, anal retentive Control Freak. Heh.

Immediately following my departure from Shit Job, I took a week off from 2nd Job. {aside: since 2nd Job isn't really my 2nd job anymore, I'll call it something different. The store is called Jo-Ann's JAF sound? end aside) I took a week off in hopes of really getting things off the ground with my business...I certainly had an ambitious roster planned out. I only got a fraction of the stuff done; only now, two weeks later, am I starting to see a semblance of a workable office/studio space here in my spare bedroom.

I had no idea this would be so much work. No, that's not true. I did know it would be this much work (why else would I quit my day job? Duh.) I had no idea it would be so time consuming. And of course, there's always little shit that crops up that you didn't really think about (and a lot of things you simply can't plan for).

Let me give you a little taste of what life for SleepyZoe has been like lately.

I opened a business checking account, complete with checks that say 'Sug@rKitty Corsets' on them (huzzah!). Opened a p.o. box. Finished the Cheeky Brit's bridal corset (scroll down for pics). Shipped Cheeky Brit's corset. Made inumerable trips to the office supply store and T@rget for supplies. Spent countless hours online searching for and purchasing supplies (and I'm still not done!). Met with an accountant. Applied for a vendor's license. Paid off (and closed!!) 6 credit card accounts. Gutted the studio closet (room for the business), gutted my dressser and bedroom closet (room for CP), rented a storage unit, and hauled gutted items to storage unit. Purchased and put together a new desk/hutch. Created new filing system for business and patterns. Spent countless hours cutting out patterns in every size (and still have many, many more hours to go). Purchased a new couch. Bought glasses and the remainder of my contact's Rx (I don't have insurance anymore! I need to see!). Purchased an industrial/leather sewing machine. Read a book about making latex clothes (::drool::). Spent hours at JAF buying notions, fabrics, and various sewing supplies. Ordered new license plates. Bought a couple fall outfits for two reasons. 1)After losing 55lbs, I have almost no fall/winter clothes. Fortunately, I do not have to have 'business casual outfits anymore, but I do need something and 2)I needed a few nice pieces of clothing for meeting with people (potential buyers, advertising people, etc.).

This is just the tip of the iceberg. And after my one week off at JAF, they are now scheduling me almost 40 hours a week (!), which is not helping matters any. I now work in the custom framing dept., which I really, really enjoy...but it is hard work, and it's stressful. It takes a lot out of me, and there's not much left for Sug@rKitty when I get home.

I still have tons to do...

-redesign Sug@rKitty logo (only the typefont, the image will stay the same)

-order business cards

-get a business phone line

-order custom labels

-finish my website (an enormous and daunting task)

-samples, samples, samples (corsets, handbags, undies)

-order fabric, boning, and busks (I've been saving the best for last!)

-design ads for the papers I'll be advertising in

And this is only the crap I can think of off the top of my head.

I'm in heaven. I'm stressed, I'm tired, and working myself like crazy...but I can't remember a time I've been happier.

It's all worth it.

In other news (yes, there are other things in my life besides Sug@rKitty and working non-stop at JAF! Who knew?!), things with CP are great. He's here more than he's not...he's got his own dresser drawers, his own space in the closet, and his own nightstand.

Despite everything being great, it is difficult to maintain a relationship in addition to everything else I'm doing right now. He's very supportive, he's behind me all the way. I just have a hard time pulling my head out of my ass and not being so self-absorbed. Obviously, if there's any time in my life to be self-absorbed, I guess it's now. And I'm not really absorbed with my self, per se, but my business. I have to be; no one else is going to do it for me. It's a delicate balance that I'm still trying to perfect.

CP sent me flowers on my first day 'in business'.

It's this sort of amazing thoughtfulness that eats at me and makes me feel guiltily inadequate. Maybe someday I can repay him by being wildly successful and becoming his Sugar Mama.

As I mentioned, I got a new couch. I really wanted to get one from IKEA (cheap! hip! form and function!), but it really wasn't in the cards. So I settled for a local discount furniture store. My old futon frame just sort of gave out, and a new couch became a 'must-have' instead of a 'hopes-for-in-the-future'.

Of course, Sleepy had to inspect and approve of the new furnishing within the first 3 minutes of it's arrival.

And, as promised, pics of the Cheeky Brit's bridal corset.

She loved the black one so much, she called me from England to thank and praise me! I received an email from her yesterday, once again praising my work on the bridal corset. She promised to send me pics of her wearing it, and offered to tout my business to people across the pond! YAY!

Sorry I've been so scarce lately. And if you made it through this jumbled mess of an entry, you rock. I'm nowhere near caught up on reading diaries, so please leave me a note letting me know how you all are.

Anyone want to come over and help me cut out patterns??



**5 smooches for me!**

Today's Fortune
If you have a choice, you have more than most.
Lucky numbers: 1, 83, 14, 0, 25

Mrs. SugarKitty
'ello 'ello!
Viva Las Vegas!
confusing use of time
Francis: Center Stage