give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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rue - 2004-09-21 10:33:07
Sounds like things are going perfect for you chica! Well, except the busy part but that makes it all the more exciting.
Renate - 2004-09-21 13:47:12
Oh wow thats awesome! its nice to hear you are doing well! one of these days ill have to get my ass to buy one of those corsets :D congrats on everything. im so glad you updated!
Judy - 2004-09-21 14:28:44
It sounds like you're doing awesome! Congratulations on everything. You've really accomplished a ton. I'm glad that you found time to update. :) I'm no longer at my old diary, which I can't even name anymore for fear of my stalkers linking that to my new page. Well, once again, Congrats on everything! I wish you continued success in all of your endeavors. :)
Queen of the Winter Carnival - 2004-09-21 23:21:29
Yes ma'am, a shooting there was. Sometime around 4am, I think. Luckily, I'd left a half an hour before. Crazy, crazy goths. Despite the risk involved in attending a club at which there are shootings, I shall still miss the disgusting bar. Sigh.
wench77 - 2004-09-22 01:43:55
YAY!! Sleepyzoe is BACK! with stories and photos! I am so proud of you too! Wow! What a lot of focussed work you have been doing! Puts me to shame I tellya. And that bridal corset is yowza! Fantastic job (and yeah I looked to see if the eyelets were aligned and all, nitpicky me!)... that would be wonderful if you could get overseas work, the exchange rate helps alot! I am so glad for the CP in your life... it is about time. Don't feel guilty or inadequate... he does stuff like that cuz it makes him happy and cuz he thinks you are more than adequate. Just appreciate him yeah! I am so glad you updated. cheers!


entry - d-land