link me (lick me?)

�sleepyzoe 2003-2005
|| Link Button and various stuff ||

12:40 p.m.
The current mood of at

**comments are now located at the end of each entry!**

I'm not going to talk about the election because it's been beaten to death. Yes, I'm miserable and embarassed and saddened by the AssClown being re-elected. What else can be said?

I'm not going to talk about my parents' divorce because words can't explain how I matter how hard I try. Like I said, I'm not interested in airing my family's dirty laundry on these pages.

I'm not going to talk about how broke or busy or stressed I am, because you've all heard it a million times before. Running your own business is stressful. It's a lot of work. It doesn't generate a whole hell of a lot of income right off the bat. Not a big surprise there.

I will say, that since I've started working at the G@p call center, I've gotten more work done on my website in the past two weeks than I have in two months.

I will also say that I'm going to have an ad running in C0lumbus Alive (a local indie newspaper) this week. I'm also going to have an ad in the Feb/March issue of Bu$t magazine (which is a nationwide publication).

I also made a link button for all of you lovelies to link in your diaries or websites if you so desire (Hey, I've had requests for one!!).

Back to work.



**6 smooches for me!**

Today's Fortune
Live today as if it was your last day in life.
Lucky numbers: 17, 63, 1, 8, 19

Mrs. SugarKitty
'ello 'ello!
Viva Las Vegas!
confusing use of time
Francis: Center Stage