give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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no worse star - 2005-01-06 10:26:49
yay for working relationships. yay for improving communication. yay for running your own company (i'll be sure to link you whenever i get my own webpage up for my record label, but i'm not really in need of a corset right now--i've already got one that works just fine). you win the award for most messed up mom. mine's an alcoholic who almost wrecked her marriage, but they pulled back from the brink and are getting along ok now. good luck with your mom, and with sugar kitty. it all sounds very hard and i'm super-impressed you're still at it. i think i woulda quit by now.
avalonte - 2005-01-06 12:43:13
I'm so sorry to hear about the crap with your mum! You have NO reason to feel guilty!! But I do realise that's the effect our parents have on us! I know you'll still feel guilty but I just want to tell you that you have no reason to be! Maybe if you hear it enough it'll chip away your feelings of guilt!!! As for Francis, he is just sooooooo adorable!! You're so lucky! He's a beauty! As are you in those photos! But HOW pissed were you in the one with Francis??!! xxx
fiestada - 2005-01-06 13:32:19
I grew up with an addict stepdad; I feel for you, I really do. Congratulations, though, on coming so far and doing so much for yourself. I hope everything with your business and CP continues to get better and better. xo
liese - 2005-01-06 14:39:47
I am glad to see that your alive. I am sorry to see so much is going wrong around you. I can't say i know how you feel, but i can say i have a glimmer of how you feel. Controling overbearing mother is what i had growing up. (and a bout of her alcohol use) You stay strong, and don't feel guilty. ultimately she is the one to save herself, she is the only one who can, so if it hits rock bottom for her maybe that will be her wakeup call and go back to rehab.
emily - 2005-01-06 16:22:13
Oooh, it's good to hear from you. The site looks great, and the fabrics are fantastic -- last time I checked they weren't up there. It looks like, in spite of the insanity, you're doing well Shannino.
nicki - 2005-01-06 17:16:14
i want a kitten too!
lap - 2005-01-07 10:46:13
Yikes about what's up on the perimeter with your mom. Scott's relapses and all still effect me even with me trying to have as little as possible to do with him. Yay for new gray kittens and corsetcams!
Evil - 2005-01-08 01:10:36
Hey, long time no hear. I'm sorry about the Mom stuff but I am glad to hear about everything else! Francis is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen (and so is C.P, for that matter). Keep up the good work!
wench77 - 2005-01-08 01:25:10
dang, 40DD, 24, 38? Now that's some body for a corsetmaker! Good going! And wow what a blockbuster of an entry. I didn't realize how much I've missed you. Seeing your smiling face with your guy and your new baby kitty! Hello SZ!! HELLO!! :D I'm sorry bout your mom. Gosh, what an absolutel disaster zone. That must be so hard, but I am glad you are letting the people around you know how it really is rather than hiding her like a shameful secret that is your fault. It is not your fault. 44. Dang. that is barely 3 yrs older than me. Whomp her sorry ass. Sorry. Just dealing with obs lying and niceness that covered this needy self-serving betrayal was enough for me, and I'm not even a kid. Dang You should be damn proud of yourself for how your head is screwed on straight. Yay for you and CP working it out. Yay for having a job that helps cover bills (really I worked illo and another job for the first 5 yrs) and omg I am glad to hear that I am not the only self-employed person to have their life seem like one neverending neverfinished todo list. Hang in there! I'm so proud of how far you've come since I started reading your diary! YAY! come back soon eh!
fiestada - 2005-01-11 11:12:42
Got your stuff in the mail yesterday; super fast!! I love the bracelets; just wanted to let you know they've arrived.
Kathy - 2005-01-12 06:46:32
I am so sorry to hear about your life with your mom. I can only imagine how painful that is. I am happy the business is busy and that CP and everything is going well. Francis is BEAUTIFUL. Wow!!! Take care! xoxox Kathy


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