give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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lap - 2004-09-30 16:52:09
I will NEVER tire of looking at your corsets. This one is classic- quirky yet with universal appeal. Great fabric choice too, because cotton must work great with the topstitching/boning etc.
fiestada - 2004-09-30 17:45:15
Gorgeous! Love the cherries.
Queen of the Winter Carnival - 2004-09-30 19:51:04
Sure did, babydoll. Real Genius being one of the best movies EVAH. And there's nothing wrong with being a dork. I'm a total dork, and I rock that vibe like a goddamn hurricane. Own your dorkness! Woo! (I've had too much caffeine today)
Zoe - 2004-09-30 19:52:40
Been reading your diary for a while, love it. Love the corsets. Love the cherries. JAF is a kick-ass place. And happeee birthday.
Leah - 2004-09-30 19:59:05
Cherry Corset! That is SO hot.
Eve - 2004-09-30 20:36:48
I love seeing the corsets!!!! And girl, you look fucking awesome! I remember you writing about losing weight and I think this is the first time you've posted full-body photos since the "big drop." Good for you!
thea - 2004-09-30 23:19:37
who could get sick of looking at such marvelous beauty? i love them!! i tell you...i really am giving it thought to ordering one...dont tempt me woman!!
Kaire - 2004-10-01 07:55:52
aaaaaaaaaaaugh! MUST. HIT. GOAL. WEIGHT! Ok, so it will be a few years (137 lbs to go damn it!) I will have a corset!
wench77 - 2004-10-02 03:20:47
"a real live cd"!! as opposed to a recorded one I suppose? LOL! hi to starzero.! Tired of your corset pictures! yeah right. If you gave us a grin and wore tighter jeans you could probably charge us. I LOVE the cherries... and the red piping. Gorgeously fun! And yes, fits very well. And you gotta hit up all these girls who comment on getting a corset when they are SMALLER!! jeesh, aren't the idea of corsets to make ya feel like amillion bucks when you are feeling all puffy and pudgy?? yum yum! :) I also say YAY for CP. I'm so glad he is good to you.
Queen of the Winter Carnival - 2004-10-02 12:16:19
Hey, I don't know if you'd be interested, but we're having a Halloween party on Saturday, October 23rd. You're in Columbus, right? Anyway, if you've nothing better to do, and you feel like attending an Idiot-Milk Retardfest, email me at El.DeBarge(AT)gmail(DOT)com for information and whatnot!


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