give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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post-star - 2004-09-07 10:57:12
i think cp would agree with me that all that added stress explains why you might not be as attentive or "good" a girlfriend as you feel you should be, but i'm also sure that cp think's you're doing just fine. if he's as good as you say he is, he'll understand.
Avalonte - 2004-09-07 11:04:23
Congratulations on being rid of shit job!!! I'm sorry you were treated so badly. But it's fitting really, with how shit the job was and how unappreciated you were! Anyway, up their bums!! You're out of it now. Life will get better from here!! xx
lap - 2004-09-07 11:25:51
I am wishing all the luck I wish you daily, as well as an extra portion of the desire to BE you today loan in place or not.
wench77 - 2004-09-07 17:51:04
I vote for you putting on the suckiest music you can think of, and sitting down and having a totally shitfit of tears conniption to get out some stress and fear and emotion. And then you will feel so much better. And I could just KILL that manager person at your work!! How DARE they send you home when you had one last day?? I cannot think of such a horrid thing... I have had last days at quite a few jobs, and sending you home is like banning you from your birthday party. It is the opposite of giving you a going away, or a retirement party, it is shunning you. How dare they how dare they how dare they. I am very angry for you. And imagine how the coworkers felt who had a cake and card etc. I'm glad you at least got to hang with some of your coworkers on Friday night. Big hugs and don't worry, it'll work out. Long term goals eh. Ride out the little bumps cuz you're going for the long haul. You can do it!! :D
Kathy - 2004-09-08 07:31:20
Sorry you are feeling so crappy even though Shit job is behind you. Feel good soon! And hang in there, things will work out. xoxox Kathy
wench77 - 2004-09-16 00:19:13
whine whine whine... now we've lost both you and meeyapede to love and the greater world. I am gonna have to search out more funky right on chicks to put on my buddy list. whine whine whine.... hope you're fine there, I miss you!


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