give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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Eve - 2004-08-27 14:12:05
That's for the love. That sweater is fucking so cute. I'm so glad you're happy now!!!
Avalonte - 2004-08-27 16:11:33
That top is fab!!! Glad you're feeling good! And even gladder that things are going so well with you and CP!! For what it';s worth, I love sappy!!!! Thanks so much for your note! I really appreciate the support. I'm so glad you understand what I mean. Like X said, I think only a woman can understand. A man thinks, well if you don't want a baby, you don't want it, full stop, even if you're pregnant! But it changes things. Only a woman understands the massive bond and implications. As for K and the Vodka, haha, I know!! That's my girl!! xx
wench77 - 2004-08-28 00:27:15
oooo, he's meeting all the fambly! That's fun. And merde alors, que fais-tu porter un pareil chandail?!! Have a fun time at the game!
wench77 - 2004-09-01 01:02:31
Of course love is worth it while we're there and esp when it is going well... but the good times can be had without the emotional entanglements too perhaps. Anyways, I don't think we can avoid love, it's just a human thing, like "to err".. as for " If you both enter the relationship for the right reasons, who's to say that you don't *know* after three weeks, or three months...or 3 days? " Well, I would say it is like you cannot know a book is good by page three, or a movie good by the first fifteen minutes, or a building one you'll want to live in forever when you've only seen two rooms. You can of course say "the first three pages of this book are wonderful" or "if the rest of this house is as good as the front hall and livingroom I want to buy it"... but in that short of time you cannot have seen enough of the person to get a well-rounded look. Perhaps they have a gazillion things in common with you, but get angry and mean when broke and drunk and you have never seen them broke, only happy and drunk. I think it takes probably several years to see what a person will be like, not just when they are infatuated with a new person, but having to deal with hard life things with someone they have been around enough to take for granted. yup. That's when it usually goes bad, and one cannot predict that from how nicely the start goes, no matter WHAT your reasons or intentions or needs are or arent. That's all. tah!
wench77 - 2004-09-03 01:01:18
Hey there you sexpot!! Come back come back! Or are you just so INTO shitjob your last week you can't bear to tear yourself away from it long enough to write a line or two? Don't go overboard celebrating and die of alcohol poisoning cuz you're so happy, eh!! hugs!
wench77 - 2004-09-05 18:03:51
Hey there! hope you're having a good long weekend with the guy! Are you done shit job now?? Tell us tell us! I for one am sitting on the edge of my seat here! tah!


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