give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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stephen - 2004-07-18 13:21:07
Are you spying on me? Because the last few times I've turned on the computer and checked my buddy list, I see that you've updated "less than an hour ago". Spooky. But seriously, I'm so excited for you!!! You are very brave, Goddess, and I just know that your dreams are going to come true. You have so much talent, and you're absolutely're going to make it. And as I've mentioned before, you've inspired me to chase a dream of my own. I'm not big on taking risks myself, but I'm on my way to taking a big one right now. I have a lot further to go than you do, though. I'll probably start seeing results when I'm eighty and wearing diapers again. I'm so thrilled for you! This is wonderful news! Yay Sug@rKitty!!! Yay Zoe!!! (Can you tell that I'm excited? 'Cause I am!) And your news ties in perfectly with something small that I've been cooking up for you...but I'm not talking now. I'm still working on it. ;)
JL - 2004-07-18 13:24:19
Jesus Chirst. That corset is so fucking fantastic, it brought me back from the diaryland dead-- it's like when those coma people snap out of it because they hear some gorgeous music or whatever. OOOoh, and good news on the your worries front: thanks to a month plus of non-stop snacking, being driven around (damn you OH interstate system and COTA shittiness!) and general slothfulness I've gained a good 5-10 lbs since you last saw me. Best yet, it appears that most of my newfound bulk has accumulated in the torso/boob region. So, we're good to go. FINALLY (ok, I'll email you for the rest)-- I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR YOU in your giant lifechanging career move (and the lovelife, duurr). You've got such incredibly mad skeewzh-- I know all about taking huge job risks, and haven't a sinlge doubt about your future success. Plus, I'll be able to lord my single couture piece over the plebians for-evah! HUZZAH! (P.S. My email is working again, so do drop me a line when possible. Wheee!)
Avalonte - 2004-07-18 13:39:55
Wow, I'm so excited for you!!! That is such fantastic news!! Good for you! Go for it. I'm so proud of you! And I'm so happy about you and CP! You so deserve it!! xx
Renate - 2004-07-18 13:50:52
YAY! thats really exciting. :D
liese - 2004-07-18 15:11:43
congrats.... i hope all goes well... you deserve to have something go thing you might think about doing... do the have gothic fashion shows there? or s/m club fashion shows... we have them here it is a great place to showcase your talent my friends ex hubby was having a show and we went to support him...
wench77 - 2004-07-18 18:12:10
Wowza! I am so proud of you! What a step forward! And you so have the talent and determination to pull it off. So exciting exciting! I agree with liese about the goth or sm club fashion shows... lots of that sort of thing here... you get your creations in front of people who will actually shell out for corsets even if they don't make $60K a year. :) And congrats with CP... sounds like you are a bit less lonely! ;) hugs.
ladybug-red - 2004-07-18 18:27:54
You go girl!!
Laura - 2004-07-18 18:58:27
I would be interested in buying a corset. I would love to have a pink leopard print corset. I left my email above so send me an email. Also, I noticed in previous entries you made a matching skirt, I'd love to have that too, but like a frilly ish skirt. Just send me an email or I will just send you one right now.
Kathy - 2004-07-19 00:15:38
I am so happy that everything is coming together so nicely for you. Best of luck sweety! Holding thumbs for you. Go out and make your dreams come true! xoxo K
Gina Marie - 2004-07-19 00:30:12
I am so EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I can't wait to read more about it! Gina Marie
fiestada - 2004-07-19 09:05:59
That's awesome! I'm really hating my job right now, and it's great to see someone going out and doing what they want to, rather than what they're 'supposed to'. Best of luck, and one of these days when I have disposable income, I'll be looking for a corset.
rue - 2004-07-19 10:57:00
YAY! That is so great for you!


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