give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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leah - 2004-03-14 13:06:20
Ooooh! I'm so jealous. As soons as I start raking in the dough from my cattery ( I'm going to have to buy myself one of your masterpieces. I have one little kitten that hasn't been given a temporary name yet. I'm going to start calling her Sugar Kitty. ;)
leah - 2004-03-14 13:07:58
One more thing.... when your website is complete would it be ok if I linked it from the links page of my Luscious-Siamese?
wench77 - 2004-03-15 03:50:44
OMG I shouldnt smoke melon hookah tobacco and read entries at the same time... I am SO BUZZED!! do smokers feel like this on tobacco? eek!! Let me guess... Janie Jones and Bob Brown. No, Emmyloo Grlzzlington and Eugene Schnittleman. And a man who lets the women speak 14 times as much is a good thing. Whatever their names, it is lovely to know they are not horrid in real life, what a let down that would be! We could never read her again!! Good luck with the corset, I KNOW you'll do the most smashing job. Now you know why I havent made a comics website yet, until I have the time to actually make it all work! hehe. I love the "to love and be loved" sun quote. cool. tah!!


entry - d-land