give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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avalonte - 2005-01-28 13:22:42
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!!!! That is too cute!!!!!!!! I am so jealous!!! I want your kitty, and I want to look like you!!! By rights, I should hate you!!!! But I don't! I love you! And I Luuurrrve pics of you & your kitty!!! (please excuse my forgetfulness over his/her name!! *blushes*) Have a wonderful weekend lovely!! xxx
Stephen - 2005-01-28 17:31:06
I love Bust! I used to have a subsription,in fact. My friend Allyah got me interested in it when we worked together in the inventory room at Borders. I can't wait to see your ad! I'llbuy a copy tomorrow! And you look great in the photos you've posted here. Beautiful! I'll send an email your way this evening.
wenchie - 2005-01-29 06:59:34
Well, that's not bad! You've updated twice in two months! LOL! But yeah, that much Cuteness shouldn't be legal. What a sweetie, it must be the red hair. OH the OTHER cuteness. hehe. Yeah, he is adorable too... I hope he isn't as annoying as my similar feline cutie! Is it cold there and he cannot go out or is he just an always-inside kitty? Anyways, you can be quick and efficient and post more pics like that anytime. BTW I can scarcely talk... my last two entries have been LINKS hehe. hugs and good luck with the Bust Ad!
Stephen - 2005-02-03 14:42:20
I saw your ad in the new issue of Bust while I was at work on Tuesday. It looks great! I completely forgot to purchase the issue though--I'll do that when I go in tomorrow. Anyway, I was wondering--would you like a link to Sug@rKitty to be placed in your Goddess profile ( or in a links page when I create one? I still plan to posta Sug@rKitty article to promote your business...perhaps we could do it as an interview for the site via email. What do you think? I apologize for not sending an email earlier--I'm way behind on things these days, but desperately trying to catch up and rejoin Diaryland and keep up with you and my other favorite diarists that I have befriended. I hope you are doing well. *hugs*
golfwidow - 2005-02-07 16:11:36
You guys are too cute.
awittykitty - 2005-02-15 21:29:10
Whenever I post my cat's picture on the internet I keep asking her if she knows she's famous and has a world wide audience and she usually looks at me like I'm delusional. Your kitty is very adorable by the way. ^..^


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