give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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Leah - 2004-11-21 21:33:23
That is such a cool idea! Someday I'm going to have a kitty cam at my website, so people can watch their kitten playing.
starstalker - 2004-11-21 22:55:55
that's scary.
wench77 - 2004-11-22 02:56:22
ack, for some reason EVERY page takes a bazillion years (actually about two minutes) to load for me. In twenty minutes I looked at the fabrics and the corset page (not the pricing or the closeups of the fabric) and now I've given up for today... I"ll try to see your cam another time. What I did see was stunning... easy to understand, clear, good photos, well laid out. You've been putting in a ton of work. And the fabrics are wonderful... the choice of novelty fabrics is delightful. Do you make shirts? pjs? :D Anyways, keep up the great work. Thanks also for the guestbook comment about linking to me! thanks!
Kathy - 2004-11-22 08:27:52
That is a great idea. Wow! xoxox
Kathy - 2004-11-22 08:31:36
And your website looks great!
avalonte - 2004-11-22 13:24:25
Your site is fantastic, I don't have any trouble with it. But your webcam's not working at the moment. As for your comment, thank you sweetie! I'm glad my "anti-American" Christmas comment didn't offend you! lol! As most of my readers are American/Canadian I thought it a bit risky, but I had to be honest! I'm chuffed it amused you! And I'm very pleased to know you aren't one of "those" people I was criticising!! Like you, I adore Christmas, and I go all out indoors! My friends always refer to my house as Santa's grotto because of all the fairy lights I have, in virtually every room of the house, and all the way up the stairs and the hall, etc, but even I have my limits! Plastic figures on the front lawn and lights all over the roof, being one of them!! Yeah, it's a shame about the kitten, but it was only ever temporary. He was the most adorable and affectionate little thing! And Keana just keeps crying and asking for him back!! That's the last time I ever foster a cat!! Have a good week lovely!! xx
continuous star - 2004-12-10 10:46:56
hope you're doing ok, hanging in there and all that. this is a rough time of the year to be low on funds, but hopefully those commissions are keeping you busy and afloat. good luck with everything.
stephen - 2004-12-19 11:58:51
Hello, Goddess! I just wanted to wish you and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I was just working on the DiaryGoddess site a bit and editing the introduction to your profile on the Pantheon page ( and realized that I had not yet sent warm wishes your way for the holidays. So here I am. Also, for the mythology of the site, I thought it would be interesting to say that, as Muse Goddess, the more art and music people create, the more powerful you become. And the more powerful you become, the more you are to help people to create, which in turn makes you more powerful when they do so. It's an endless cycle. What do you think? That's the idea that I added to your introduction--I hope that's okay. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy your Christmas, that it is safe, and that Santa brings you lots of toys! ;) *hugs*


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