give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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ladybug-red - 2004-11-01 14:54:05
(((Hugs))) Sorry honey.
avalonte - 2004-11-01 15:04:09
Sweetheart, I completely understand. I'm so sorry about your mum and stepdad! I always thought people made too much of a fuss when their parents split up! But then one day my mum called me and told me she had left my dad! I couldn't stop crying! I was shocked how something as routine and common as parents getting divorced could be so earth shattering and devastating! I'm lucky, they patched things up and got back together. But it gave me an insight. I'm so sorry! *hugs* xxx
x-plicity - 2004-11-01 15:21:55
*great big fucking hugs*
liese - 2004-11-01 19:01:54
my heart goes out to you.... will you still have a relationship with your stepdad after? hugs
wench77 - 2004-11-02 01:21:39
Hey there. I'm so sorry. There is something that just shatters our stability of the world "view" when our parents divorce. Somehow our own relationships seem less solid and "forever" seens like a cruel joke. Suddenly all the for-granted order of the universe falls apart. It is sort of the difference between having a job where you bitch and your coworkers drive you crazy, and having the company go bankrupt and lay off everyone you know, so you know the people still exist, and the building too, but they are all scattered and you don't know where to go at 9am anymore. Dang. Huge hugs. Hang in there and get as much support from stable friends as you can. Anything familiar and solid will feel good, esp now that you yourself are launching yourself into the exciting great unknown of Sugar Kitty. (((((((HUGS)))))wenchie
Erika - 2004-11-03 10:19:56
Hey girl, keep you head up. My parents split 4 years ago, so we all moved back to be with my mother. My dad turned into an ass, and he was my world. So, it hurt really really bad. It has been 4 years now, and I do not cry everytime I think of him or see a picture, but your entry today, definately brought tears to my eyes. It will get better. Do not let it affect your current relationship though. My insecurites stemming from my dad leaving, made me almost mess up my marriage. I thought my husband was going to leave me at any moment. It really does get better.


entry - d-land