give me sweet, sweet lovin':

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every star - 2004-07-19 16:06:02
sounds like a keeper. congratulations on having a good life. everything is looking up for you. enjoy it.
Leah - 2004-07-19 16:08:32
Kathy - 2004-07-19 18:47:13
You so deserve it sweety. At last somone who appreciates how special you are. xoxo K
tricia - 2004-07-19 21:29:32
i love your diary so much. your life and mine are a lot alike (relationship-wise), so i can relate when you say stuff about CP and R. especially R. except mine is a D. i don't think we're talking anymore, and it's really hard to get over him. CP sounds really really sweet, and he's lucky to have you. <3
tricia - 2004-07-19 21:31:34
i forgot to leave my email, sorry. but i did this time! so don't delete my comment, and if you do, read it first. <3
phizhy - 2004-07-19 21:34:14
you deserve those roses; it's great to see you happy & w/someone that appreciates how special you are. ♥
Gina Marie - 2004-07-19 22:38:18
YOU BITCH, I NEED LONG STEM ROSES!! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to hear more anout it, and see pics! Gina Marie
renate - 2004-07-20 01:43:21
aww :D
wench77 - 2004-07-20 02:03:29
wowza. I'd be bowled over. wowza. Now if it was just the roses, mr gino man. But he took you to your fave band, movies, dinner, hanging out, and THEN roses. wowza. does this mean you are gonna pull a Meeyapede on us soon? (oh the fear, the fear!!)... I hope not... I want to know all about the corset business and third job (and CP of course!) tah!


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